1.如果我国人民币升值,且其他条件不变,那么可能发生( )。
2.寡头垄断市场的主要特征是( )。
3.货币的产生源于( )。
4.商业银行投资标的中,非标准化的资产是( )。
5.《中华人民共和国商业银行法》规定,商业银行的流动性比例不得低于( )。
6.为满足世界经济增长和贸易发展,美元必须持续供应;但持续供应美元将难以维系美元同黄金的固定比价,这叫( )。
7.奥肯定律说明了( )。
8.既定的一组经济资源可以分别生产A、B、C三种产品。生产B产品收入900万元,生产C产品收入1 000万元,那么生产A产品的机会成本为( )。
(B)1 000万元
(C)1 900万元
9.在影响基础货币增减变动的因素中,最主要的影响因素是( )。
10.( )会增加单位生产成本,从而使总供给曲线左移。
11.衡量商业银行综合经营实力和抵御风险能力的重要指标是( )。
12.外汇交易报价中,1个基点(BP)是指( )。
(B)0.000 1
(C)0.000 01
(D)0.000 001
13.( )用来衡量商业银行信用风险变化程度,表示资产质量从上期到本期变化的比率。
14.基尼系数是衡量—个国家贫富差距的标准。若设G为基尼系数,G的数值范围为( )。
15.若短期总需求大于总供给,可能产生的结果是( )。
16.当政府对企业实施排污收费制度,那么企业的最大污染量( )。
17.不属于中央银行业务类型的是( )。
18.对擅自设立银行业金融机构或者非法从事银行业金融机构业务活动的,由银保监会( )。
19.在看跌期权交易中,理论上损失无限、收益有限的是( )。
20.存款准备金率越高,则货币乘数( )。
21.未预期到的通货膨胀会使财富( )。
22.无差异曲线任一点上,商品X和商品Y的边际替代率等于它们的( )。
23.经济学中的货币需求是一种( )。
24.不属于商业银行表外业务特点的是( )。
25.国务院银行业监督管理机构监管的机构包括( )。
26.商业银行拨备覆盖率的计算公式是( )。
27.根据《商业银行操作风险管理指引》,( )承担监控银行操作风险管理有效性的最终责任。
28.其他情况不变,中央银行提高商业银行再贴现率,货币供给量将可能( )。
29.( )是指商业银行在追求短期商业目的和长期发展目标的过程中,因经营决策错误对银行收益或银行资本形成的现实和长远的影响。
30.假设某银行期末各项贷款余额是100亿元,其中正常类贷款60亿元,关注类贷款20亿元,次级类贷款10亿元,可疑类贷款7亿元,损失类贷款3亿元,那么该银行不良贷款率为( )。
31.风险价值(VaR)是指在一定的持有期和给定的置信水平下,利率、汇率等市场风险要素发生变化时可能对某项资金头寸、资产组合或机构造成的( )损失。
32.铸币平价是指( )。
33.如果名义GDP增加5%,GDP平减指数增加3%,那么实际GDP( )。
34.将货币政策的松紧与短期名义利率的升降完全联系起来是不对的,因为( )。
35.某国实际货币需求减少,可能是由于( )。
36.关于股票市场存在泡沫的问题,下列说法正确的是( )。
37.根据理性预期总供给函数,只要中央银行公开宣布提高货币增长率,则( )。
38.下列因素,导致公众偏向于持有通货或活期存款的是( )。
39.如果规模报酬不变,增加20%的劳动量,但保持资本数量不变,则总产量将( )。
40.商业银行存入中央银行的准备金与社会公众所持有的现金之和是( )。
41.边际收益递减和规模报酬递减两者之间( )。
42.对于货币总量中资产的流动性,下列表述正确的是( )。
43.生产可能性曲线是从( )推导出的。
44.关于现值的特征,以下说法不正确的是( )。
45.在博弈中实现纳什均衡意味着( )。
46.信用货币主要源于货币的( )职能。
47.下列关于委托贷款的说法不正确的是( )。
48.根据我国《商业银行资本管理办法》的有关规定,在特定情况下,商业银行应当计提逆周期资本,逆周期资本要求为风险加权资产的( )。
49.在风险水平、流动性和税收政策等因素相同的条件下,到期期限不同的债券的收益率连线称为( )。
50.在开放经济的政策调节中,每一目标应当指派给对这一目标有着相对最大影响力、因而在影响政策目标上有相对优势的工具。这一原则称为( )。
51.经济增加值(EVA)是商业银行绩效考评体系中的核心指标之一,该指标的计算公式是( )。
52.本币贬值不一定能立即改善国际收支,对此进行解释的理论是( )。
53.( )用来衡量企业所有者利用自有资金获得融资的能力。
54.根据《关于促进互联网金融健康发展的指导意见》,互联网金融业务的客户资金应实行第三方存管,除另有规定外,从业机构应当选择( )作为资金存管机构。
55.银行风险管理的流程是( )。
56.借款人的还款能力出现明显问题,完全依靠其正常营业收入无法足额偿还贷款本息,即使执行担保,也可能会造成一定损失,这种情况是属于贷款五级分类中的( )类贷款。
57.银行理财产品销售管理是指理财业务( )管理,理财投资管理是指理财业务( )管理。
58.地方政府债券一般由( )代为发行和兑付。
59.在商业银行信用风险管理实践中,设定贷款集中度限额的做法属于( )策略。
60.商业银行的核心一级资本不包括( )。
61.银行账户的项目通常按照( )计价。
62.商业银行的内部评级应具有彼此独立、特点鲜明的两个维度:第一维度是客户评级,第二维度是( )。
63.贷款定价中的风险成本一般是指( )。
64.以下不属于商业银行资产业务的是( )。
65.根据《中华人民共和国商业银行法》的规定,国务院银行业监督管理机构对商业银行实行接管的期限最长不得超过( )。
66.下列选项,不属于贷款五级分类法主要考虑的因素的是( )。
67.根据《中华人民共和国物权法》的规定,不能设定抵(质)押的有( )。
68.受托人违反《中华人民共和国信托法》,利用信托财产为自己谋取利益的,所得利益( )。
69.按照《银行业消费者权益保护工作指引》的规定,不属于银行业消费者的是( )。
70.在我国,受银保监会监管的非银行金融机构不包括( )。
71.为规范银行业金融机构理财及代销产品销售行为,国务院银行业监督管理机构要求对每笔产品销售过程同步录音录像,录音录像的内容不包括( )。
72.根据《关于促进互联网金融健康发展的指导意见》的规定,下列关于网络借贷机构表述错误的是( )。
73.最有可能是一个国家国际收支平衡表中资本和金融项目持续赤字的原因是( )
74.以下关于古典利率理论的说法不正确的是( )。
75.( )会提高企业的投资激励。
76.某消费者对商品1和商品2的效用函数为min{3X1,X2},则在该消费者看来,两种商品属于( )。
77.零息债券的久期与其到期期限的关系是( )。
78.在到期日相同的情况下,当一定期限内利率敏感性资产超过利率敏感性负债时,利率下降会导致金融机构( );相反,当一定期限内利率敏感性负债超过利率敏感性资产时,利率上升会导致金融机构( )。
79.根据《商业银行与内部人和股东关联交易管理办法》的规定,重大关联交易是指商业银行与一个关联方之间单笔交易金额占商业银行资本净额( )以上,或商业银行与一个关联方发生交易后商业银行与该关联方的交易余额占商业银行资本净额( )以上的交易。
80.由美国经济学家鲁迪格·多恩布什提出的,用于分析汇率形成的“超调模型”,其本质上是一种( )。
81.通常认为,下列属于货币政策中介指标选择标准的是( )。
82.以下属于商业银行贸易融资方式的是( )。
83.在宏观经济政策中,属于内在稳定器的项目有( )。
84.生产要素的价格是( )。
85.影响利率的风险因素有( )。
86.中央银行可以主动用于调节外汇市场的手段包括( )。
87.国务院银行业监督管理机构及其派出机构对监管对象做出的行政处罚包括( )。
88.银行业金融机构的国别风险主要包括( )。
89.市场准入监管的内容包括( )。
(A)机构的设立 .
90.由市场决定资源配置的条件是( )。
91.交易成本是围绕交易产生的成本,包括( )。
92.商业银行不得采取( )等手段违规吸收或虚假增加存款。
93.建立防火墙是并表监管的有效机制,防火墙的主要形式包括( )。
94.在固定汇率制度下,会出现米德冲突的情况是( )。
95.根据货币流通规律,关于货币需求量M与其他相关变量的关系,下列说法正确的是( )。
96.信息科技风险产生的原因包括( )。
97.影子银行的风险主要表现为( )。
98.商业银行信用风险存在于( )。
99.货币政策的最终目标着眼于解决宏观经济问题。货币政策最终目标之间的矛盾性是指( )。
100.根据《商业银行金融创新指引》的规定,我国商业银行开展金融创新活动,应坚持( )的原则。
You can not go forward by going backward.Take the current debate about trade and globalization,for instance,while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years,it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity. Over the past three decades,global flows of trade and investment have accelerated dramatically,creating enormous economic value.However,trade and globalization have also brought wrenching job losses.The financial crisis and weak recovery have made matters worse,intensifying the backlash against trade and globalization. Part of the problem is that the benefits of trade and investment go largely unrecognized,while the job losses are often overstated.Another significant problem is that participation in trade and investment is limited to a relatively small set of firms.In the U.S.,large firms account for three-quarters of total expoas,and the vast majority of small and medium-size businesses do not export.This means firms have a great opportunity to boost growth and productivity through wider participation in trade. That leaves the question of how to help those hurt by trade and globalization.Too often we talk about re-training as a panacea(万能药).And yes,it helps.But it needs to take into account the different requirements of each workforce and needs to be part of a wider set of support for affected workers and communities. Above all,it is important to recognize that our economic transition to a global and digital economy is an irreversible trend.Only by broadening participation in the global economy,rather than by trying to turn back the clock,will we discover answers to today’s most vexing economic problems.
101.What is the MAIN opinion expressed in the opening paragraph?
(A)Trade and globalization are debatable.
(B)Erecting trade barriers can not bring growth and prosperity.
(C)Trade and globalization have caused severe pain in recent years.
(D)Opposing trade and globalization is understandable and reasonable.
102.According to the second paragraph,where does the backlash against globalization mainly stem from?
(A)Blocked flow of trade and investment.
(B)Loss of economic value.
(C)Declining worker mobility.
(D)Distressing job losses.
103.Which of the following is true of the third paragraph?
(A)The participation in the trade globalization is not broad enough.
(B)Job losses are often under-estimated.
(C)Domestic firms are problematic with productivity.
(D)Globalization hinders growth of small and medium-size firms.
104.What does the author think of re-training as a solution?
(A)It is a one-size-fit-all solution.
(B)It is not helpful to those hurt by trade and globalization.
(C)It should meet the different needs of affected workforce.
(D)It should not be talked about so often.
105.What of the following is the best description of the author’s attitude toward trade and globalization?
Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others.HSBC’S History Wall,a striking art installation at the bank’s London headquarters,is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the bank’s archives and arranged in chronological order. Even this is dwarfed by Coca Cola,the American classics.In May,Coca Cola opened a new corporate museum in Atlanta,which is expected to pull in more than 1 million visitors annually,Attractions include the first Coke cans to go into space,a functioning botting line and a tasting lounge. The benefits of knowing your corporate history can be very practical.Companies often use their history as inspiration for new products.Disney constantly mines its archives of old films.Carmakers have overhauled old designs for the modern era:Volkswagen’S New Beetle is an obvious example. But the bigger payoff tends to be less tangible——that of forging stronger bonds with customers and employees.Age can by itself confer a sense of trustworthiness,brewers and banks are fond of flaunting(炫耀)their deep roots.Jim Gilmore,co-author of“Authenticity”,argues that history is also vital in giving companies a genuine sense of personality.Ritz-Carlton’s use of cobalt-blue glasses in its hotel dining rooms can be traced back to Boston in the 1920s,for example,where window glass that had been imported from Europe and turned blue in the New England air was a symbol of wealth.Rather than commissioning dusty biographies to mark anniversaries,Mr.Gilmore believes that firms should search the archives for inspiring stories of this kind. Younger companies can use history,too.Before giving up their old jobs,the founders of Innocent,a British drinks firm formed in 1998.sold an initial batch of smoothies from a market stall in London.They asked customers to put their empty bottles into one of two labeled bins to indicate whether they should focus on their new venture or stick to their day jobs.The rest,as they say,is history.The firm now uses the story to illustrate its folksy image
107.According to the first paragraph,what does the example of HSBC show?
(A)The bank has greater power than other banks.
(B)The bank contributes a lot to the development of London.
(C)The bank uses its history more creatively.
(D)The bank has a different business model than other firms.
108.What does the underlined word“dwarfed”in Paragraph 2 mean?
(A)Less creative by comparison.
(B)Be smaller in size.
(C)Become more majestic.
(D)Nothing different.
109.Which of the following statements is true about Jim Gilmore?
(A)He is the sole author of“Authenticity”.
(B)He encourages firms to look for typical events from archives.
(C)He loves the cobalt-blue glassed of Ritz-Carlton hotel very much.
(D)He also believes that younger firms can use history as well.
110.Which of the following is NOT the benefit of using history creatively?
(A)It strengthens the company’s relations with customers and employees.
(B)For car makers,they can overhaul old designs for the modern era.
(C)It can help companies to become the most profitable in the market.
(D)It can give companies ideas for new products.
111.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(A)Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca-cola.
(B)New designs inspired by old products are not good.
(C)Young companies do better than old companies in using history.
(D)Consumers often trust old—aged companies more.
It seems simple enough.Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government,and put it all up on the Internet.Now,in order to report a pot-hole,pay your property tax,complain to an official or cast a vote,just log on and hit a few buttons.Goodbye bureaucracy,hello e-cracy? However,the shift to e-government is turning into one giant pain in the neck—technology isn’t the problem,money is.The Gartner Group estimated that project spending for e-government will grow from$6.5 billion in 2010 to more than$16.8 billion by 2025.The cost worldwide over the next 15 years,however,is thought by some to reach or even exceed$600 billion. Citizens are of two minds--they like the convenience and flexibility of e-government,but they have shown no great interest in coughing up extra tax dollars for this purpose.E-government is turning out to be much more expensive than its early champions envisioned.Just because that a state’s department of motor vehicles allows online auto registration doesn’t mean it can shut down its physical stations.The cost of creating and maintaining an Internet presence must be added to the existing cost structure. Why so expensive?It’s cheap enough for a regional forest service to put up a fire alert website.But mounting a comprehensive system of inputs and outputs that mirrors and in some instances supersedes off-line government structures is a mammoth expenditure,conducted with little assurance that emerging technological standards won’t leave your effort in the dust. If this sounds eerily similar to the confidence wall dot-com businesses piled into last year,good for you,because it’s the same wall,the wall of reality,where money is still money,and because a thing is virtual doesn’t mean it’s free.It is a really big problem.We all know it is going to cost a ton of money,but no one knows where to go for the money.
113.What can we know about e-government from the passage?
(A)E-government is on the increase and well-funded.
(B)The investment on e-government is adequate.
(C)Government officials’ interest in e-government is declining.
(D)E-government is convenient and flexible.
114.The underlined phrase“of two minds”in Paragraph 3 best shows that citizens’attitude towards the e-government is____________.
115.What’s the author’s purpose of mentioning a state’s department of motor vehicles?
(A)To show that e-government will add new costs.
(B)To show that the e-government is useless in some cases.
(C)To show that physical stations are not functioning well.
(D)To show that the e-government will replace physical stations.
116.The passage indicates that the success of e-government partly depends on____________.
(A)having public confidence
(B)having sufficient investment
(C)lowering government spending
(D)upgrading government technology
117.The author’s major purpose in writing this passage seems to____________.
(A)make suggestions on facing the reality and modifying expectations
(B)advocate that e-government is costlv and useless
(C)explain why e-government is no longer popular
(D)persuade governments to cut the cost
New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves.Chicago,for instance,has consolidated its position as the world’derivatives center,and Houston,the largest city in Texas,is home to Amenca’s biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds. Europe has also developed a diverse set of financial centers ranging from big cities to island havens such as Jersey and to niche markets such as Luxembourg and Dublin.Edinburg,an established banking center,is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations.Among the larger hubs,Frankfurt is an important center for banking and derivatives trading through Eurex,a German—Swiss exchange,with significantly lower costs than London. Switzerland’s twin financial centers,Geneva and Zurich,have done well in their specialists of private banking,wealth management and insurance.The main attractions are low taxes,political stability and a reputation for discretion.Urs Roth from the Swiss Bankers Association says,however,that given its tiny domestic market,Switzerland has had to fight for open markets on an international scale. Paris has long lagged far behind London,dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes.The new government is aware that some of France’s best financial brains have crossed the Channel for more lucrative careers in London.Yet Paris has many advantages:a 1arge number of international banks;more international companies than Frankfurt;and easy access to regulators.It has the largest market in Europe for trading in mutual funds.Few would dispute that Paris offers an attractive quality of life and has good transport links.What makes Paris a place to watch just now is the NYSE’s recent merger with Euronext.The combined group will base its international equities business in the French capital.Euronext,which operates exchanges in five European countries,also illustrates the importance of a common language. Financial executives around the world increasingly view Europe as a single market.Soon a new European rule called MiFID(Markets in Financial Instrument Directive)is due to be implemented.It aims to increase competition among and transparency within financial markets.Financiers in other parts of the world are wondering how to achieve a similar degree of cross—border financial integration.
119.According to Paragraph 1,traders mostly trade derivatives in____________.
(A)New York
120.All of the following are advantages of Switzerland’s financial centers EXCEPT____________.
(A)low taxation
(B)broad domestic market
(C)fame for discretion
(D)stable political environment
121.Which of the following is NOT true about Paris,according to the passage?
(A)Merger of NYSE with Euronext makes it the biggest financial center in Europe.
(B)The excessive regulation and high taxes have affected its financial development.
(C)Paris has many advantages that may help in its future financial development.
(D)Paris offers good quality of life as well as good transport links.
122.The last paragraph implies that____________.
(A)financiers have long ago viewed the Europe as a single market
(B)Europe has the highest degree of cross-border financial integration
(C)the MiFID will make financial markets around the world more competitive
(D)the MiFID will increase transparency within American financial mark
123.What can be inferred from the passage?
(A)New York is the world’s largest financial hub.
(B)Houston is the world’s biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds.
(C)The Europe has as many financial centers as the United States.
(D)Different financial centers have different specialist features.